BurnIt ====== A very simple program designed to run as a icon on your desktop. You can drag files from File Manager to the BurnIt icon, and they'll be deleted. There are many such utilities available, and the more complicated ones have an "undelete" option built in to recover deleted files. BurnIt isn't burdened by such features. It's designed to be a fast and simple way to delete files, nothing more. Much of BurnIt's code was based on a utility of the same name first published by Jeffry Richter in the May-June 1992 issue of Microsoft Systems Journal. I have made the following modifications: - I removed the code to keep the icon on top of all other applications. Personally, I always find these "keep on top" utilities get in the way most of the time. - I tweaked the icon painting code a little bit. In some cases, the background would not be repainted properly. - I tweaked the actual icons slightly. No big deal. - I fixed the deletion code to delete Read-Only, Hidden and System files. It'll do this *without* confirmation, so be careful. - I added the ability for you to specify the WAV sound to play when files are deleted. To do this, add the following entry in the [sounds] section of your WIN.INI: BurnItSound=,BurnItSound You can then change the BurnIt sound using the "Sounds" applet in Control Panel. BurnIt, and other utilities of its ilk, work best when combined with my FM_UTILS freeware File Manager extension DLL. This DLL allows you (among other things), to start up certain programs *with* File Manager, and shut them down when File Manager is shut down. If you don't have FM_UTILS, drop me a line at the E-mail address below, or look for it on your favorite BBS system. Brad P. Smith BPS Microconsulting Services R.R. #2 - 777 Crozier Rd. Oxford Mills, Ontario, Canada K0G 1S0 E-mail: B.P.Smith@BIX.com